Monday, April 16, 2007

The Royal Break-up

One Royal Insider sneered: "She is pushy, rather twee and incredibly middle-class. She uses words such as 'Pleased to meet you', 'toilet', and 'pardon'."

The Mirror, April 16th.

Let me make one thing clear: I have absolutely no interest in what happened between Billy Windsor and Kate Middleton. The real story is the utter irrelevance of the Royals to contemporary Britain, and the absurdity of hereditary elites in the modern world. How does this archaic institution benefit our country? It is, after all, the trappings of royalty, not the dull, aloof Royals themselves, that visitors come to see, hence Paris, not London, remains the world's most popular tourist destination. As far as cultural or business ambassadors go, David Beckham gets far more publicity than our next king ever could.

Vive la Republic!

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