Monday, June 23, 2008

Japanese Onions

Planted last September, and taking up a fair-sized chunk of my tiny veggie patch, the four rows of Japanese Onions are almost ready for lifting. Over the past week the upright foliage has yellowed at the tips and flopped to the ground, while the bulbs have swelled until they've almost prised themselves free of the soil. A week or so longer and I should be able to pull them up by hand.

Although they fill the gap before maincrop varieties are ready, the problem with Japanese Onions is that they don't store very well - which means by this time next month I'll have a cupboardful of the fuckers and never want to taste one again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

these onions are very tough to eat and are very much more onoinie than most they cook up good and add to the flavor of most any thing that you might want to cook and are definatly a summer veggie